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Golden Medal Driving School
Golden Medal Driving School has been established for decades which has a wealth of teaching experience and the best coaching team.
We have deserved reputation, professional teaching experience in our community for many years. We provide wide variety of courses to meet your needs.
Our coach team is responsible, friendly and patient, You will have a great experience to learn your driving skills in our school.

Robert Cheng


Simon Ou Yang


Eric Zhang

Arlen Hua

Programs and Classes
3 years ago
有一天,我他们打电话,想要换一下我的学车时间。但是有个女工作人员态度很不好,不想给我换,我说很不好意思,我不得不换,因为那个天我实在是有事情过不去了,我说我实在不是故意改时间的,但是她后来冲我大吼,还突然间挂掉了我电话……说实话,在那一刻,我简直不敢相信我的耳朵。竟然是这样horrible 的态度。(不知道这个人是不是老板)
For me, it’s a such bad experience with the service and the staff of this school. Their attitudes is vey not good, even can say horrible... when I call them the to change my car practice time, one female staff shout at me for she didn’t want to change the time for me, and I still want to say something because I have to change the time because I have no time on that day, but suddenly, she hang off the phone! I was so shocked, I can’t even believe that happened.…in USA?they are not really good business, I feel that they only want to earn money from customers but not really care the customers difficulties.
Another thing, the instructions of this school, they are not skilled in teaching how to drive a car, I believe this is hard to believe, but it’s true, it happened. I have experienced two instructors, one instructor, he only siting in the car, didn’t teach me how to drive, and didn’t teach me what should I be aware of when I have the road test. I was very upset about that. I ask many times could you please tell me? he didn’t answer, or just few words,just driving……One of my friend learned from other driving school, she pass the road test just one time, she told me how her instructor told her how to drive, what need to be aware of in the road test. Oh, I feel I was cheated, I spend the same money, but what I’m doing here? I don’t want to learn with them, so I ask them to return the money, they didn’t agree, lastly I requested change my instructor. the second instructor speaks more the the first one. But I realized, what he has taught me is wrong! how I realized that?at first I don’t know, I just do according to him, but sadly, I failed the road test, I check the reason shown by DMV, I compared, horribly, I realized the instructor taught me wrongly!😓 how can a such people can be recruited by this driving school?!
I can’t express my upset and super disappointment to the Gold driving school! I feel I really wasted my time and money In such school……
3 years ago
Finally, I already passed the road test. Eric is the best teacher. He’s so patient to teach me. Thank you so much.
Miao H
3 years ago
Pooja Rattan
4 years ago
Today I passed my road test in first try.I am highly appreciating and recomending the instructor
Mr. Frances......He is very
professional,committed,communicative ,and detailed-oriented person.He gives very clear instructions. Everybody must go for driving lessons with him.Good luck to all...