A word from the owner: Hey! Thanks for choosing SUNNY ROAD Driving School and congratulations for your interest in safe driving! Laying your hands for the first time on the wheel can be very exciting . That's why our school places a lot of emphasis on the safety of our students and instructors. As a driver myself, I see a lot of traffic violations every day that can lead to accidents and even fatalities. And the saddest part is that all of these tragedies can be avoided by knowing AND following the rules. That's one of the main reasons that made me want to open a driving school. Being one of the nation leading cities for bad driving, you can guess this is no easy task! Our school has a 100% hands-on approach where students get the most out of their training sessions with an instructor fully accredited by the State of Florida! Be safe and enjoy the kind of freedom offered only by the joy of driving!

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